At Club Class Entertainment we specialise in supplying professional DJs & Musicians to bring the ultimate club experience to your party in North Yorkshire
Our most popular package deal this includes one of our Professional Wedding DJs with our Club Class DJ Package, plus a saxophonist and percussionist for your entire evenings entertainment in North Yorkshire.
Saxophone and Percussion are the most popular extras booked to work alongside our DJs so we have combined them into one amazing package so you can book all your evenings entertainment in one place.
Our DJs are all full time professionals who will play a credible mix of music from Funk, Motown, 80’s & 90’s right up to present day Chart, RnB & House based on your personal preferences chosen from our online booking system. We ask for a number from 1 to 5 to indicate how much (or how little) of each genre you would like played as well as enter any specific requests… it’s your event so we play the music you and your guests want to hear.All our DJ, Sax & Percussion packages in North Yorkshire have a sleek modern look, using an aluminium DJ stand, aluminium truss podiums and moving head lights.
Our live musicians are professionals with a rich musical education and lots of experience in playing in both the UK and abroad for international brands such as Hed Kandi and Ministry of Sound. They are able to freestyle along with the DJ and have an intimate knowledge of all musical genres.
Our DJ will perform for up to 5 hours with the live musicians playing 3 x 30 minute sets over a 3 hour period. This can include anything from a 70’s disco set right through to a peak time house music set.
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Please have a look at our videos to get a feel for what Club Class can bring to your event.
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